**Topic Ufficiale** TNA Tapings 2010

Pagine: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [14], 15, 16, 17
00martedì 12 ottobre 2010 21:41
PRIDESILVER, 12/10/2010 19.52:

Madison Rayne è a centro ring ed invita l’amica Tara a raggiungerla. Madison sostiene che Tara, neo Knockout Champ, deve fare la cosa giusta e riconsegnare il titolo, dato che lei, Madison Rayne, è l’unica ragione per cui Tara è potuta tornare in TNA. Tara sembra capire, si mette supina a centro ring e permette a Madison Rayne di schierarla. A quanto pare Madison Rayne è la nuova campionessa ed inizia a festeggiare. Ma la festa è interrotta da Mickie James che sfida Madison Rayne.

Ma Tara tiene scritto "gioconda" in fronte?Perchè la trattano tutti come un'idiota?Possibile che 4 titoli femminili in Tna e non arriva neanche a 4 mesi complessivamente???

Mah [SM=x54479]
00mercoledì 13 ottobre 2010 09:17
Dark Match:

* Stevie Richards beat Mr. Pectacular


* Mr. Anderson came out with his arm in a sling. He wants Jeff Hardy but Rob Van Dam comes out. RVD wants Hardy also. Hardy appears on the big screen before Eric Bischoff comes out. If Anderson can beat Kaz in Ultimate X, he gets a title shot at Hardy on Turning Point. Also announced is RVD and Sabu vs. Beer Money for tonight.

* Robbie E. beat The Amazing Red. Robbie cut a promo saying he wants the X Division Title.

* Backstage segment with Ric Flair and Fortune.

* AJ Styles beat The Pope in a Street Fight. Good match here. Abyss came out and hit Pope with the Black Hole Slam to help Styles get the win.

* Backstage segment with Rob Van Dam and EV 2.0. RVD is wondering which of them Bischoff has paid off. RVD attacks Raven.

* Jeff Jarrett comes out to heel heat. Jarrett is sorry for not beating Kurt Angle down worse last week. Jarrett continues trashing Angle. Samoa Joe came out to fight but security handcuffed him. Jarrett attacked a cuffed Joe and threw him off the stage. Mike Tenay, playing Taz's role from last week, started yelling at JJ.

* Beer Money beat Sabu and RVD. Sabu accidentally hit Van Dam with a chair which caused them to lease. Sabu tried to apologize but RVD attacked him. EV 2.0 ran out to stop them from fighting.

* Mickie James beat Sarita. Tara came out and laid Mickie out.

* Kaz beat Mr. Anderson in Ultimate X. Fortune attacked Anderson on his way to the ring. Anderson sold throughout the match. The end came when Fortune beat him down some more. Kaz stood on Matt Morgan's shoulders to retrieve the X. Anderson chases off Fortune but Jeff Hardy attacks him from behind with a chair. Hardy injures Anderson's arm some more with the chair to end the show.
Horace ホレス
00giovedì 14 ottobre 2010 21:28
Ma il match con Jessie Godderz (Mr. Pectacular)non si vedrà da nessuna parte? Neanche a Xplosion?
00giovedì 14 ottobre 2010 23:04
no, era un dark match
The Reject
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 10:36
Thanks to Tim Capture for sending along the following spoilers for this Thursday’s TNA Wrestling iMPACT! broadcast on Spike TV.

Dark match:

* Neico vs. Brian Kendrick. Neico is a Booker T student. Winner via flying leg lariat, Brian Kendrick.


* Magnus w/Chelsea vs. Orlando Jordan w/Eric Young on commentary. Winner via Million Dollar Dream, Orlando Jordan.

* Kazarian vs. Rhino. Winner via sunset flip out of a gore attempt, Kazarian

Impact (Airing Thursday on Spike TV):

* Barricades, garbage cans and stop signs have been set up ringside by the ramp.

* Backstage, Ric Flair is talking to a random girl. Matt Morgan tells her to leave for a second. Morgan warns Flair about messing with people he works with, just look at Brett Favre. He then asks if Eric Bischoff is really making Mr. Anderson wrestle with a concussion. Flair says it’s a tough world and you do what you have to do. Morgan says with the studies on concussions now it might not be right. He played football and knows what it’s like. Back in Flair’s day they didn’t know. Flair says back in his day men were men and they took care of business. He says Bischoff knows what he’s doing.

* Robbie E w/Cookie vs. TNA X Division Champion Jay Lethal in a non-title match. It wasn’t announced but it’s some sort of street fight Winner after Cookie sprayed self tanner in Lethal’s eyes and Robbie hit a neckbreaker, Robbie E.

* Backstage, Tara has attacked Mickie James at catering. They’re fighting all over catering but there’s no actual food. They start hitting each other with trash. The lone cameraman gets knocked down. The ladies fight to the outside and a new camera is on. Madison Rayne helps Tara until The Beautiful People run out. We now have a full scale Knockouts brawl. Sarita runs out too. After a big fight, Angelina Love and Madison Rayne fight to inside the (Impact Zone. Velvet and Sarita make their way inside too. They fight up to the announce table. Backstage Tara and Mickie James are fighting their way in as well. Mickie dives off the guardrail onto Tara. Everybody is now in the ring fighting. Ric Flair and security is breaking it up. Tara hits Flair. Flair threatens to fight a girl. Mickie slaps Flair twice and he flops. Flair gets on the mic and asks what the hell are they doing? They all stop for a second and then they all start brawling again. Flair and security break it up again and makes a match for later: Mickie James & The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita.

* Backstage, Eric Bischoff is joking about Ric Flair dealing with the Knockouts. Flair asks Eric where he was? Bischoff said he was dealing with administrative stuff. Flair asks where Hogan is. Eric says Hogan is working on some major acquisitions. The security guys laugh but Eric asks what they’re laughing at. They almost let Kurt Angle get to them. If they don’t do their job this week they might need new jobs. David Sahadi comes in and asks if they’re really making Anderson wrestle Jeff Jarrett with his concussion. Bischoff says they’re all in agreement, Anderson is definitely wrestling tonight. Sahadi says with the research on concussions and Dixie Carter’s pledge to protect their athletes they can’t let it happen. Bischoff tells Sahadi to get his trainer a– out of here.

* A casket has now been wheeled to ringside. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero makes his way to the ring. Pope is on the mic and says it’s time to speak to his congregation because when he does they speak back. He says there’s a monster on the loose, full of evil spirits. He says that’s fine because he plans to pimp slap that monster. Since this monster Abyss has embraced the dark side it’s time we do something about it. He says he’ll take that monster, wrap him up, put him in that casket and send him back to where he came from. Abyss shows up in the crowd. He says Hogan and Bischoff have told him to extinguish the flame which is D’angelo Dinero. Make no mistake about it, when they meet the only thing he’ll need is a minister to administer his last rights. As for his pathetic congregation, they aren’t safe either. You won’t know when or where but he’s coming for all of them. He grabs two fans and leaves with them as Pope chases.

* EV2.0 is out. Tommy Dreamer says you haven’t returned any of our calls, texts, emails or tweets. RVD, please come out. RVD joins EV2.0 in the ring. Dreamer says he’s ending this before it goes any farther. They’ve known each other 15 years. When things went south in the Invasion they saved. When things were going bad for him, RVD told Dreamer to come to TNA. Dreamer says last week with Sabu was an accident. RVD says he doesn’t know who to trust. Dreamer says he could always trust them. It’s been Jeff Hardy causing problems. Bischoff is masterminding things and causing problems. Look what he tried to do before. Raven is laughing so RVD asks what he’s laughing at. Raven says Bischoff is just like him, an evil mastermind and you can be surprised by what he does. RVD gets in Raven’s face. Fortune comes out. Flair laughs at how disjointed they are and how together Fortune has it. They better get it together at the pay-per-view when it’s Fortune vs EV2.0 and the winner gets to pick someone to leave the company. He also says Raven and RVD should kiss and make up because it’s Raven & RVD vs. AJ Styles & Kazarian tonight.

* For the TNA Tag Team Championship, Generation Me vs. Ink Inc. vs. The Motor City Machine Guns. Before the match starts, Max Buck talks smack about the other teams. He mocks tattoos and video games and says it’s all about him. Winners after Skull and Bones to Jesse Neal, The Motor City Machine Guns.

* Team 3D come out after the match. They clap to congratulate The Motor City Machine Guns. Brother Ray says you have to agree that TNA has the best tag division in the world. Team 3D, Generation Me, Ink Inc., Beer Money and The Motor City Machine Guns. Team 3D are officially retiring though and thank everybody for the support. They said if they’re going out it’s against the best and The Motor City Machine Guns are the best. They’ve been waiting for their answers though. Alex Shelley says Team 3D are living legends and 3 years ago turned them from kids to men. They agree to the match and say if they win, they win the titles.

* Eric Bischoff is on the phone backstage and Matt Morgan asks to talk to him. He asks if it’s smart to let a concussed wrestler out there when he shouldn’t be. Bischoff says it’s a great idea. Morgan says this is a safety issue and he’s given guys concussions that put then out for 3 months. Bischoff says he feels safe and there’s no problem. Anderson will face Jeff Jarrett tonight.

* Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita vs. Mickie James & The Beautiful People. Winner via butterfly suplex from Sarita to Velvet Sky, Sarita, Tara & Madison Rayne.

* Backstage, Matt Morgan wants to talk to Mr. Anderson. The trainer doesn’t want to let him but Morgan promises just to talk to him, nothing more, nothing less. Morgan walks off screen.

* Douglas Williams & AJ Styles vs. Raven & Rob Van Dam. During the match, Ric Flair came out and laid Raven out with the TV Title. RVD was looking to tag out but Raven was out. AJ and Williams ganged up on RVD. Williams hit a top rope knee drop to get the win. After the match RVD is angry at a bloody Raven. Raven leaves and a frustrated RVD is left alone in the ring.

* Chain match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Mr. Anderson. Jarrett gets the mic and calls out the one armed bandit. The chain looks like a super long set of handcuffs. Anderson’s music hits but Matt Morgan comes out instead. Morgan says he and Jeff are boys but nobody in the back will listen to him. He’s hoping his boy will listen to him. Jarrett has been wrestling since 16 and he must have wrestled with his share of concussions. But they didn’t know then what they know now. It’s up to them from one pro athlete to another to look out for the next generation. Jarrett asks if he’s kidding. He doesn’t care about Anderson. Look at what he did to Samoa Joe. It’s about survival. He doesn’t care about Joe, about Angle and after tonight he doesn’t care about Morgan. Jarrett tells Morgan to get out. Morgan says how about he instead kicks his a–? Morgan handcuffs himself and instead we get…

* Chain Match: Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett. Winner after a chain shot to the groin and a Stroke, Jeff Jarrett. Morgan attacks Jarrett after the match but Fortune run out and put the boots to Morgan.

Dark Match:

* Okada vs. Stevie Richards. Winner via Stevie Kick, Stevie Richards
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 14:14
mi chiedo perchè morgan improvvisamente decida di avere pietà di uno della fazione opposta quando fino ad una settimana fa era capace di pestare chiunque...
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 14:54
Boh, spero ce lo spieghino più dettagliatamente in futuro. In ogni caso Morgan come quinto della Fourtune è assolutamente sprecato; teoricamente non sarebbe neanche un membro ufficiale della stable, ma più che altro il bodyguard di Flair.
Comunque sono quasi contento che Robbie E. abbia battuto Lethal ad iMPACT! in un non-title match. Questo significa che se ci sarà, come è molto probabile, il match titolato tra loro a TP, al 99% vincerà Lethal.
The Reject
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 22:09
The following matches are scheduled to take place at tonight's TNA Impact taping for the show that will air next week on Spike TV.

-Sarita vs. Velvet Sky.

-Ink Inc. and Mickie James vs. Generation Me and Tara.

-A.J. Styles vs. Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam.

-Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian.

-D'Angelo Dinero vs. Abyss.
The Reject
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 22:32
A mio parere andranno a parare su una card del genere per TP:

Ovviamente tutti i match confermati più Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me con in palio la shot ai Titoli Tag Team, e Mickie James vs. Tara.

Il 4 vs. 4 a questi punti credo che sarà fra AJ Styles, Kazarian e Beer Money Inc. contro Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu e Raven.

Sabu licenziato(visto il contratto a gettone), Rhino lo terranno fuori magari con un pestaggio o qualcosa del genere, visto che non vedo chi potrebbe sostituire degli altri...

Fra Williams e Kazarian, è vero che il primo da Face non vale nulla, mentre il secondo funziona, ma è anche vero che è Kazarian l'uomo su cui possono puntare per il futuro, senza contare che faceva parte del Team Vero.
E Williams mica è detto che diventerà Face eh...secondo me lo sbattono fuori e tanti saluti, tornerà nella X-Division, in attesa di qualcosa, ma adesso rischia di sparire.
Kazarian invece ha molto da dire a mio modo di vedere, e anche se è un pò una ruota di scorta con i Fourtune mi dice qualcosa.

Rob Van Dam va contro Dreamer dopo il Ppv, mentre i 4 della Fourtune si divideranno dagli Immortals...

Beh, credo che i piani siano stati delineati bene, qualora si confermasse ciò che ho detto. Altrimenti non mi spiego il perchè di questi match.
00martedì 26 ottobre 2010 23:31
Pozz4ever, 26/10/2010 14.14:

mi chiedo perchè morgan improvvisamente decida di avere pietà di uno della fazione opposta quando fino ad una settimana fa era capace di pestare chiunque...

stessa cosa mi chiedo io
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 10:16
sempre più perplesso dopo gli ultimi tapings...
la carriera in tna di morgan cmq è incomprensibile: da quando è ad orlando ha degli alti e bassi di mese in mese che lasciano veramente senza parole. se non è lui il miglior esempio dell'indecisione a livello di booking team poco ci manca...
The Reject
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 10:20
Dark Matches:

* Jennifer Blake vs. Madison Rayne. Winner via her knee to the head finisher, Madison Rayne.

* Brad Idol vs. Jay Lethal. Brad was announced from Houston so he's probably another Booker T student. Winner via top rope elbow drop, Jay Lethal.

TNA Impact (Airing next week on Spike TV):

* Abyss vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero. During the match Abyss flipped out and attacked some fans and the match was thrown out. Agents and security ran out to stop Abyss. Pope got on the mic and said you want to get the Pope's congregation involved? Then how about you, me in a lumberjack match with his entire congregation as the lumberjacks. Abyss said he would never speak for Hulk Hogan or Eric Bischoff but in this case, you're on.

* Eric Bischoff is out in karate gear along with Ric Flair and a referee. Bischoff says he has some major business to take care of tonight. He and Flair got on the phone with Hogan and agreed that Matt Morgan is not an immortal, is not in Fortune and is persona non grateful. As for Ken Anderson, in the spirit of fairness, since he wants a shot at Jeff Hardy, he can have it tonight. To get the match he has to come out here and pin Bischoff to sign the contract. No matter what the doctors say, if he doesn't get his skinny white a-- out here he'll never get a shot at Hardy. For now he'll give him a taste of what he has. He calls the referee Stifler over and asks why he let Morgan out of the handcuffs first? Stifler says he went to Jarrett first but he wouldn't let him so he undid Morgan. Bischoff said he just called him a liar so Bischoff kicks the referee in the face and then out of the ring. He fired the referee and left.

* Backstage, Brian Kendrick is getting a massage and reading some of Mick Foley's book to EV2.0. RVD walks in and starts arguing with everybody about his problems. AJ Styles and Fortune walk in and ask them to just go ahead and kill each other and finish the job. Rhino gets in AJ's face and AJ dares him to do something. Rhino goes to Gore AJ but he moves and Rhino Gores RVD instead. Fortune leaves as EV2.0 tend to RVD.

* Sarita vs. Velvet Sky. Winner via butterfly suplex, Sarita.

* Backstage Fortune is walking and talking. Flair tells Kaz they're Fortune and don't have internal problems. In the Horsemen if they had a problem they took care of the problem in the ring. If Kaz and Douglas Williams have a problem, take care of it in the ring. They agree and take off. Williams stops to do an interview with Christy Hemme. The camera operator says the mic is broken. She asks if he has another one and one of Anderson's mics drop from the ceiling.

* Generation Me & Tara vs. Ink Inc. & Mickie James. Winner via Last Kiss Goodnight & Ink Inc's finisher to Matt Buck, Ink Inc. & Mickie James. After the match Jeremy Buck and Tara attacked the winners and laid them out.

* Jeff Jarrett is out and he's obviously angry. Jarrett asks where Kurt Angle gets off showing up here. Showing up and attacking Eric? Jarrett says the issue should be with him since he's the one working against Angle. He says Angle should just go home and give up. As for Samoa Joe, he apologized and is truly sorry. If he'd realized how far up on the stage they were when he threw him off, he definitely would've gone higher and will finish the job at the pay-per-view. Lastly, he doesn't want the fans to chant "you sold out" at him because he sold in. The crowd chants "you sold out" and Jarrett's music hits. He goes to leave but Joe comes out through the entrance ramp and attacks Jarrett. He takes him in the ring to muscle buster Jarrett but Gunner and Murphy stop him. Joe takes them out but Jarrett gets away. Joe muscle busters Gunner and stares Jarrett down as his music plays.

* They're repairing the ramp right now. Turns out someone landed on the mic in the ring and it put a gash in the ring mat so they're repairing that too. They patched the mat but decided to just take it off and put a new one down so there's another delay.

* For the TNA TV Title, Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles. Winner after a slop drop and a schoolboy with a fist full of tights, AJ Styles. After the match RVD and Rhino have words and get in each other's face. EV2.0 come out to break it up. RVD drops Raven during the pull apart. Tommy Dreamer says that's enough, they're friends. RVD asks if he should trust him like he trusted Jeff. RVD then asks if Dreamer is the one that sold him out. Dreamer says he's tired of this and they're going to settle this old school. At Turning Point it's going to be Dreamer vs. RVD.

* Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian with Ric Flair on commentary. During the match, Beer Money come out to ringside to watch. James Storm jumped on the ring apron at one point and Williams ran into him on accident and led to Kazarian giving him a schoolboy for the win. Williams was angry and shoved Storm and Roode and they shoved back. Flair came in to calm things down. He made Williams and Kazarian shake hands and then Fortune gave their hand sign to show unity.

* Eric Bischoff is out with the contract for Mr. Anderson. Eric calls out Anderson and says if he pins him he gets to face Hardy tonight. Bischoff gets Jeremy Borash to do the main event ring announcing and has him announce it like it's the main event of a pay-per-view. Bischoff is announced as the TNA kickboxing champion of the world. When Borash announces Anderson, it's a bunch of insults like he's the President Obama of head trauma. Borash stops and doesn't want to read it. Bischoff says he wanted him to read it all. He knows Anderson isn't here but he still wants to give everybody a match, so how about Eric Bischoff vs. Jeremy Borash? Bischoff then beats up Borash. The lights go out and Anderson's music and video hit. When they come back on it's Matt Morgan and Morgan hits Bischoff with a Carbon Footprint and pins Bischoff. He signs the contract and says he'll see Hardy at Turning Point.

* Ric Flair gets in the ring and says it takes a real big man to hit someone from behind. Turning his back on Fortune is the biggest mistake he's ever made. Flair helps Bischoff up and gives him a big hug and they leave together.


* Eric Young is going to be Taz's announcing partner for Xplosion.

* Jeremy Buck vs. Jesse Neal. Winner via schoolboy and a handful of tights, Jeremy Buck.

* Max Buck vs. Shannon Moore. Winner via Mooregasm, Shannon Moore.
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 10:51
non ho capito...quindi per TP:

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan
Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer
EV 2.0 vs. Fortune

??? [SM=x54498]
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 11:39
Monto18, 27/10/2010 10.51:

non ho capito...quindi per TP:

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan
Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer
EV 2.0 vs. Fortune

??? [SM=x54498]

C'è anche il casket match tra Abyss e Dinero e il match per i titoli di coppia tra i 3D e i Guns. E poi boh: immagino un match per il titolo X Division e uno per quello femminile, ma da questi riassunti non si capisce poi molto.
The Reject
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 11:59
La card si presenterà così:

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan (questo mi sa di ripiego, per l'infortunio di Anderson...Morgan se ne sarebbe andato dai Fourtune cmq)

Guns vs. 3D (forse è un match più aperto di quello che sembra)

Abyss vs. Dinero

Lethal vs. Robbie E. (peccato che la politica della TNA sia "Mai dare un titolo ad uno appena arrivato)

RVD vs. Dreamer

4 vs. 4 (a questi punti licenziano uno fra Rhino e Sabu, entrambi dureranno poco cmq, Williams vicino ad essere sbattuto fuori, durerà poco pure lui)

Ink Inc. vs. Me (hanno fatto 5 match contro nelle ultime due settimane, mi sembra logico che a questo punto faranno la bella al Ppv, con in palio la shot)

Tara vs. Mickie James (il titolo non lo difendono, il feud è chiaramente fra queste due)

C'era uno spiraglio per Jarrett vs. Joe, ma non essendoci stato nessun seguito, significa che lo porteranno avanti dopo il Ppv.
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 12:31
ma quest'ultima puntata precede il ppv o ce ne sono altre dopo?

in ogni caso, vedremo... voglio vedere questa volta se il push a morgan dura più di due settimane.
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 12:59
Re: Re:
Mr.Monday.Night!, 27/10/2010 11.39:

C'è anche il casket match tra Abyss e Dinero e il match per i titoli di coppia tra i 3D e i Guns. E poi boh: immagino un match per il titolo X Division e uno per quello femminile, ma da questi riassunti non si capisce poi molto.

casket match? avevo letto male o mi è sfuggito

ma è la prima volta per la tna? [SM=x54498]
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 13:13
Pozz4ever, 27/10/2010 12.31:

ma quest'ultima puntata precede il ppv o ce ne sono altre dopo?

in ogni caso, vedremo... voglio vedere questa volta se il push a morgan dura più di due settimane.

Monto18, 27/10/2010 12.59:

Mr.Monday.Night!, 27/10/2010 11.39:

C'è anche il casket match tra Abyss e Dinero e il match per i titoli di coppia tra i 3D e i Guns. E poi boh: immagino un match per il titolo X Division e uno per quello femminile, ma da questi riassunti non si capisce poi molto.

casket match? avevo letto male o mi è sfuggito

ma è la prima volta per la tna? [SM=x54498]

1) Così pare.
2) No.
The Reject
00mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 18:10
Mica avevo letto la parte di Joe/Jarrett.

Beh allora a sti punti, a TP avremo probabilmente 9 match.
Un pò troppi per i miei gusti.
E' anche vero che difficilmente ci saranno match con un minutaggio molto alto.
Main Event debole(sempre che lo sia visto che Morgan non è uomo da ME).

Mentre tutto il resto dei match rischia di avere un minutaggio su per giù simile, non daranno troppo spazio ne all'X-Division, ne al match fra Tara e Mickie.

Anche Abyss vs. Dinero è stato costruito alla cacchio, possibile che non prenda tanto spazio.
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 11:20
Dark Match: *Eduardo Rios defeated Ben Dejo, These guys are the former tag team know as Los Ben Dejos who had a tryout in May.


*Immortal comes out then introduces Jeff Hardy, who cuts a promo. Hulk Hogan comes out and thanks Ric Flair for watching over everything while he was not there. Hogan says he has a surprise for Hardy and lowers a new TNA title belt. They throw the old belt in the garbage. Hogan says if anyone is against them, they are going down. Pope is in the crowd and says he is going to put Eric Bischoff in a coffin. Samoa Joe comes out from another end of the Impact Zone and cuts a promo on Jeff Jarrett. Rob Van Dam appears by the announcers and calls out Hardy. Matt Morgan comes out and asks for a match with Hardy again. Hogan tells them they will get a fight.

*TNA X-Division champion Robbie E and Cookie defeated Jay lethal and Taylor Wilde.

*Kaz defeated Rob Van Dam after Rhino turned on RVD, then laid out Tommy Dreamer in the back with a chair as well.

*Backstage Eric Bischoff was yelling at the referee from the TNA Turning Point bout, but Matt Morgan later told him it was OK because mistakes happen.

*Team 3D came out for their farewell and gave a speech, only to see Bubba turn on Devon after they hugged.

* AJ Styles defeated Stevie Richards. It appeared Richards may have taken the Styles Clash wrong and had to be helped to the back with a neck brace on.

*Samoa Joe defeated Gunner and Murphy in a handicap match. Jeff Jarrett attacks Joe but Kurt Angle makes the save.

*They showed backstage vignettes where Pope Dinero captured Bischoff humiliated him and put him in a casket. When he brought Bischoff him the ring, Abyss attacked. They put Pope in the casket and rammed it into a wall.

*Matt Morgan defeated Doug Williams and Beer Money after Money left Williams to tend to Ric Flair, who Morgan had nailed. Hardy appeared on the Tron and as Morgan was watching him, Hardy came from behind, lowblowed him and nailed the twist of fate to close the show.

*After Impact they re-taped the Robbie & Cookie vs. Lethal & Wilde match, so something must have gone wrong the first time.
wishper in the wind
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 12:09

il nuovo titolo mondiale

credo e spero sia un personalizzato
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 12:17
wishper in the wind
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 12:19
cmq credo sia fatto appositamene per jeff se vedete davanti sembra una faccina tipo il facepaint suo cmq si è nammerda :D
The Reject
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 13:40
Capisco il personalizzato, capisco pure che sia una mossa per accentuare ancor di più questa situazione grottesca del dominio Heel, però anche di titoli personalizzati migliori di questi ce ne sono una vagonata.

Questo è uno scherzo della natura.
Chanandler Bong
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 13:48
Hickembotton, 09/11/2010 11.20:

*After Impact they re-taped the Robbie & Cookie vs. Lethal & Wilde match, so something must have gone wrong the first time.

Robbie E
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 14:56
A confronto i titoli di coppia WWE sono oro.
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 19:06
Hickembotton, 09/11/2010 11.20:

*Team 3D came out for their farewell and gave a speech, only to see Bubba turn on Devon after they hugged.

Ve l'avevo detto.
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 20:20
Re: Re:
Sacherman, 09/11/2010 19.06:

Ve l'avevo detto.

Che palle, sono delle esimie teste di cazzo.
Cioè, di uno split dei Dudleys forse sarebbe fregato qualcosa a qualcuno ai loro tempi d'oro, ma adesso che sono super-bolliti. Bho.
The Reject
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 20:31
Sono praticamente 3 mesi che si sa che l'avrebbero Splittati, dov'è la novità???

Non fregherà a nessuno, me compreso, ma credo che alla gente non fregherà neanche del fatto che non frega niente a nessuno...

Più che altro è grave tenere ancora questi atleti in uno show...cioè Young fa pena anche a me, ma diecimila volte meglio uno che vuol combattere di 30 anni, piuttosto che due ultraquarantenni che non hanno più soddisfazioni da togliersi e che avrebbero voluto lasciare....

Cioè capisco parlassimo di un'atleta che è il futuro della tua federazione, ma due vecchi(per quanto eccellenti in tutta la loro carriera da Tag Team) in singolo per di più, cosa mai ti potranno portare???

Una cosa è certa, se sono intelligenti, dopo questo feud(che oltretutto rovina anche il loro ritiro, che sarebbe stato una giusta chiusura) si fanno da parte, reputo sia Ray che Devon due uomini di mondo.
Vedrete che fra 6-7 mesi lavoreranno dietro le quinte. Almeno spero....
00martedì 9 novembre 2010 20:43
Che problema c'è se i due Dudleyz ci servono sul piatto un bel feud hardcore bello sanguigno?
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