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**Topic Ufficiale** TNA News 2010

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 19/12/2010 12:31
01/01/2010 16:00
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Beh, come ogni anno, che si apra il topic sulla fed di Orlando.
[Modificato da TSEEMOD 01/01/2010 16:01]
Post: 804
Registrato il: 05/05/2008
Main eventer
01/01/2010 16:12
Scheda Utente

Allora urgono le NEWS:

Che cosa faranno Hogan e gli Outsiders il 4 Gennaio?

The much anticipated live Impact on January 4th will no be run by Hulk Hogan, as often rumored. The plan is for Hogan to be partnered with former WCW boss Eric Bischoff serving as Hogan's partner. Bischoff will have an authority role, and be used as a Hogan lackey. The current plan will see former New World Order members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash at Hogan's side during Monday's Impact. Hall and Nash are not scheduled to appear until later in the show to set up something up for the upcoming Genesis PPV.

Credits:, che ci delizia anche con gli award per la "Promotion dell'anno 2009":

WWE - 59%
TNA - 20%
UFC - 11%
ROH - 5%
Dragon Gate - 2%

[SM=x54505] [SM=x54505] [SM=x54505]
[Modificato da KingofNewSchool 01/01/2010 16:13]
Post: 3.630
Registrato il: 10/07/2008
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 16:34
Scheda Utente

i poll di Gerweck lasciano molti dubbi...
01/01/2010 16:36
Scheda Utente


Credits:, che ci delizia anche con gli award per la "Promotion dell'anno 2009":

WWE - 59%
TNA - 20%
UFC - 11%
ROH - 5%
Dragon Gate - 2%

Va beh, lasciam perdere [SM=x54472]
TNA al 20% è comunque una bella %..UFC all' 11% mi preoccupa..

Post: 3.631
Registrato il: 10/07/2008
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 16:40
Scheda Utente

sono più taroccati di "Affari Tuoi"
Post: 2.688
Registrato il: 04/06/2008
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 16:46
Scheda Utente

Percentuali assurde.

Probabilmente il premio sarebbe dovuto andare all'UFC per le card proposte nell'arco 2009 e per il modo in cui si è affermata in ambito sportivo e atletico.

Un 59% alla WWE, in una delle annate peggiori che si possano ricordare, strappa più di una risata grassa e sonora.

Post: 151
Registrato il: 01/12/2006
Low Carder
01/01/2010 16:50
Scheda Utente

l'ufc non è wrestling è lotta vera , perchè l'hanno infilata in questo sondaggio?
Post: 13.217
Registrato il: 04/09/2007
Mi fanno male le dita
01/01/2010 16:53
Scheda Utente

NickMalanno, 01/01/2010 16.50:

l'ufc non è wrestling è lotta vera , perchè l'hanno infilata in questo sondaggio?

Perchè, come altri, Gerweck si occupa anche di MMA.

Post: 4.574
Registrato il: 26/05/2009
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 16:53
Scheda Utente

NickMalanno, 01/01/2010 16.50:

l'ufc non è wrestling è lotta vera , perchè l'hanno infilata in questo sondaggio?

Parlano di "promotion".
Post: 3.338
Registrato il: 06/02/2007
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 17:32
Scheda Utente

KingofNewSchool, 01/01/2010 16.12:

Allora urgono le NEWS:

Che cosa faranno Hogan e gli Outsiders il 4 Gennaio?

The much anticipated live Impact on January 4th will no be run by Hulk Hogan, as often rumored. The plan is for Hogan to be partnered with former WCW boss Eric Bischoff serving as Hogan's partner. Bischoff will have an authority role, and be used as a Hogan lackey. The current plan will see former New World Order members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash at Hogan's side during Monday's Impact. Hall and Nash are not scheduled to appear until later in the show to set up something up for the upcoming Genesis PPV.

Credits:, che ci delizia anche con gli award per la "Promotion dell'anno 2009":

WWE - 59%
TNA - 20%
UFC - 11%
ROH - 5%
Dragon Gate - 2%

[SM=x54505] [SM=x54505] [SM=x54505]

L'UFC non c'entra niente con le altre promotion e non vedo come si possano comparare federazioni che creano a tavolino gli show con una federazione che organizza incontri sportivi professionistici. La Dragon Gate non la conosco bene ma ho letto commenti estramamene positivi su di lei. Sulla ROH neanche commento e sulla TNA è vero che è stato un anno travagliato ma il 2009 è stato probabilmente il peggior anno della storia WWE. Mah.

Post: 2.689
Registrato il: 04/06/2008
TW World Champion
01/01/2010 18:15
Scheda Utente

Gerweck è il rifugio dei fan esclusivi WWE?

Il sondaggio per il Match of the year ha premiato con il 70% dei voti Taker vs HBK, ma la notizia è un'altra: tra gli altri nominati, compaiono Angle vs Wolfe (Turning Point 2009), AJ vs Samoa Joe vs Daniels (Turning Point 2009) e, udite udite, Edge vs Jeff Hardy (Extreme Rules 2009) con la stessa identica percentuale...5%.

Comunque l'annata 2009 della TNA è stata risollevata da No Surrender in poi per quanto riguarda i PPV, calando poi dal punto di vista qualitativo nella realizzazione delle puntate, che fino a BFG sono state molto piacevoli.
Il momento di buio maggiore è stato vissuto quest'estate, poi dall'annuncio dell'arrivo di Hogan hanno iniziato a guardare al 2010 come all'"Annata del cambiamento".
Non so quali idee stiano ronzando nella mente di Dixie, ma non vorrei assistere ad un crollo di qualità, in seguito a ratings bassi o quanto meno stabili (a mio avviso, dato tranquillamente prevedibile, nonostante l'arrivo di Hogan) dopo la puntata del 4 Gennaio.
Post: 807
Registrato il: 05/05/2008
Main eventer
02/01/2010 11:55
Scheda Utente

Ultima (?) intervista rilasciata da Hulk Hogan
Hogan ha rilasciato un'intervista al sito per Hypare l'impact del 4 Gennaio.

Il vegliardo parla del ritorno di Bret Hart in wwe, del suo ruolo nella promotion(che culo che ha, controllerà pure le mutande di Russo!!!! [SM=x54481] ) e altro.....

IGN TV had a chance to talk to Hulk Hogan about this Monday's showdown, the WWE's choice of counter programming (the monumental return of Bret "The Hitman" Hart) and the changes that Hogan wants to bring to TNA.

IGN TV: We're closing in on January 4th now and with TNA Impact airing live against RAW. You've got a big night headed your way. Is TNA ready to go live?

Hulk Hogan: We're going to find out, aren't we? I'm going up against the monster, brother. I'm heading into the gun fight. I'm heading in and I'm bringing the biggest blow dart I can get. It's going to be exciting.

IGN: Of course, we all remember the success you had when you joined in WCW in the mid-90s. What's is TNA like right now compared to what WCW was like back in the day?

Hogan: Brother, that's the brilliant question. And you know what – and I don't mean this in tongue in cheek way - but it's like deja vu. When I walked in to WCW they were producing wrestling on a little teeny sound stage at Disney, okay? I'm walking into TNA and their producing wrestling in a little teeny sound stage at Universal. When I walked in to WCW, the WWF was the monster. They were the monopoly. I'm walking into TNA and the WWE is the monster. The monopoly. There were no choices back when I did WCW. The fans didn't have a choice. It's the same way now. It's almost like history is repeating itself and giving me another chance to do this and show the wrestling world what wrestling should be like. Not to make wrestling like it used to be, but to show that John Cena shouldn't be the only guy with life and character. Thinking more about it – it's exactly the same, man. It's scary. It's happening all over again. The only difference now I guess is that when I left before and went to WCW the fans were mad at me. "Oh, how could you leave the WWF?" The fans were kind of pissed at me. This time the vibe is that the fans are with me. They're for me and they want to see this happen. They know that competition is good and that the best time in wrestling was the Monday Night Wars back in the day.

IGN: On this past WWE RAW, there was a fan in the crowd holding up a Hogan sign, basically calling out your TNA show on the 4th. Have you been feeling that that the fans are really behind you on this move

Hogan: Yeah, they're for me. It's kind of weird. It's a double edge sword. The fans know what's happened to me over the past couple of years. I lost my family. I pretty much got devastated financially and the fans know that I've had some hard times - and that's the nature of loyal fans. They want to see the people that they love and believe in get back on their feet. That's part of it. And the other part of it is that the fans are sick of this monopoly. They're sick of contrived programming. They're sick of seeing Shawn Michaels and Triple H run around like a couple of degenerates and act goofy and, you know, doing the whole Hornswoggle thing. The fans are tired of that weak programming.

And then, as you saw, on RAW Shawn Michaels came out and broke character and he's as serious as a heart attack and he did a great interview with Vince [McMahon] saying, "I can beat The Undertaker" and "I want a rematch for Wrestlemania." Which is great, you know, they're promoting it way out ahead. And I'll be really glad - wink wink wink – to see Bret Hart come back. You know, that's the first thing that's meant anything with Shawn Michaels in a long time since he wrestled Hulk Hogan at SummerSlam. And I'm glad to see it. And you know what? I'm already winning. Everybody said "Oh, we [TNA] can't go to Monday nights." And I said "well, let's ask the head of Spike TV." And guess what? He said "yes." So I won there. Now all of a sudden they had an emergency meeting up in Stamford, Connecticut last Thursday. Vince is panicking and scrambling.

I'm so happy to see Bret Hart come in to go against me because he hated the business. He was bitter. He hated Vince. And you've got to move on. Positively. I'm so happy to see Bret – and I've talked to some of Bret's family members and he's excited about coming. He's excited about coming to RAW. I love Bret Hart to death. I'm excited for Bret to come back. And guess what? I already won again. Because Vince McMahon is now showing that he's worried about Hulk Hogan going head to head. So Vince is going to do all he can to squash me on Monday night and I'm given the opportunity of a lifetime. It's like a human being going up against a monster. The WWE is a monster and the fans are behind me and they want to see me give Vince a fight for his life. And if I get knocked down, I'll just keep getting back up. And the head of Spike TV said. "You know, if wrestling stirs up some interest on Monday I might do this once a month." And then he continued to say that if Hulk Hogan and TNA does good on this Monday he wouldn't be opposed to putting TNA on every Monday. That's a dream for the wrestling fans. Now the fans have a choice. When I can get TNA up and running, the talent -- like John Cena, Rey Mysterio, The Big Show and The Undertaker -- all these guys will have a choice. It's kind of like having the NFL and the AFL. There's no choice right now for the talent or the fans.

IGN: Do you think that, once again, competition will bring out the best in all involved?

Hogan: It's gonna be better for everybody. Vince is going to have to get serious. Instead of all the "hee hee ha ha. Let's just give the fans weak programming" thing that he does. Because I'm serious. I'm coming in and I'm going to take a look at everything from the ring to Vince Russo's underwear. I'm going to turn this place upside down. I'm going to take guys like AJ Styles, who works his butt off, so that when AJ Styles goes through an airport a year from now I want people to snap their heads around like it's Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan. There is a lot of talent there but someone needs to breathe life into them and make them larger than life. And to get them to really think about what they're doing in the ring. To really dial their characters in. And that's what I'm coming to do.

[Modificato da KingofNewSchool 02/01/2010 11:59]
Post: 597
Registrato il: 05/11/2006
02/01/2010 12:59
Scheda Utente

Riepilogando quanto succederà il 4gennaio.
Impact live e di lunedì contro Raw.
Debuto di Hulk Hogan.
Ritorno non nel backstage di Jarrett.
Si parla di un feud: Hogan-Carter-Angle (face) vs Foley-Jarrett (heel)
e il resto del roster da che parte andrà? [SM=x54498]
Debutto di Kennedy/Anderson. [SM=x54480]
Debutto di RVD. [SM=x54480]
Dimentico altro? [SM=x54503]
Bastano 3ore di diretta per fare tutto questo con il giusto minutaggio?
Hai posteri l'ardua sentenza. [SM=x54488]
Post: 3.632
Registrato il: 10/07/2008
TW World Champion
02/01/2010 13:18
Scheda Utente

Debutto degli Young Bucks
Post: 5.203
Registrato il: 07/09/2008
Non ho un c.... da fare!!!
02/01/2010 14:43
Scheda Utente

Poi probabilmente sapremo lo sfidante di AJ per il titolo al ppv.
E il match per il titolo Knockout: ODB vs Tara
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