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**Topic Ufficiale** TNA Tapings 2010

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 11/12/2010 16:14
Post: 8.618
Registrato il: 15/11/2007
Non ho interessi nella vita
21/04/2010 14:34
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Dixie Carter updated Daffney's condition via her Twitter:

Daffney has been released from the hospital. She has a deeply bruised sternum & a severe stinger (temp spinal trauma) but no nerve damage.
Post: 19.845
Registrato il: 11/09/2008
Mi fanno male le dita
21/04/2010 15:17
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The Reject, 21/04/2010 13.41:

Riuppo il topic.....

Sono variate le date di alcuni tapings, infatti i 3 giorni dopo Sacrifice vedranno 3 giorni di tapings.

5/17: iMPACT! Orlando 5/18: iMPACT! Orlando 5/19: iMPACT! Orlando

Questi sono invece i tapings di settimana prossima:

- La puntata si apre con Rob Van Dam che, introdotto da Hulk Hogan, si dichiara entusiasta di essere il campione del mondo TNA. RVD sostiene anche che è giunto nella TNA proprio perchè sapeva che la federazione gli avrebbe dato un'opportunità. Il promo è interrotto da AJ Styles e Ric Flair che insultano RVD. Styles dichiara poi che utilizzerà la sua rematch clause quando vorrà. Flair infine si concentra sulla sua sfida contro Abyss: chi vincerà entrerà in possesso dell'anello della Hall Of Fame di Hogan così come di quello di Flair stesso.

- Madison Rayne sconfigge Tara e Angelina Love e conserva il Knockout Title. A fine match rissa tra Tara e Angelina.

- Kaz sconfigge Shannon Moore e conserva il TNA X-Division Title. Durante il match, e con l'arbitro KO, Matt Morgan entra nel ring e stende Moore permettendo a Kaz di vincere. A Fine match è invece Samoa Joe che giunge nel ring per distruggere Kaz.

- The Pope D'Angelo Dinero giunge sul ring tutto fasciato e infortunato, comseguenza del suo match contro Styles a Lockdown, sostenendo che tra lui e Styles non è finita, tantomeno è finita la sua voglia di diventare campione del mondo. The Pope è però interrotto da Mr. Anderson che sfida Dinero ad un match. The Pope accetta. La sfida si terra a Sacrifice. Il segmento termina con i due che se le danno reciprocamente di santa ragione.

- No Contest: Matt Morgan & Jesse Neal Vs Team 3D. Il match è interrotto dall'ingresso della Band che attacca gli ex Dudleyz ed i due tag team iniziano una rissa. Nel mezzo del marasma Matt Morgan stende il tag team partner Jesse Neal con un chokeslam. Tornato nel backstage però Matt Morgan è immediatamente rispedito sul ring da Hulk Hogan. Morgan così torna ma inizia una rissa con lo stesso Neal, nel frattempo ripresosi. Alla fine Matt Morgan è messo in fuga da Shannon Moore che salva Jesse Neal.

- Abyss sconfigge Ric Flair ed entra in possesso dell'anello della Hall Of Fame di Ric Flair. A match terminato Hulk Hogan entra sul ring, prende l'anello appena vinto da Abyss e dichiara di sapere già a quale wrestler farne omaggio.

Molti nuovi feud per Sacrifice:

Rob Van Dam vs. Aj Styles

Matt Morgan and ?? vs. Shannon Moore and ??

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr.Anderson

e forse Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe o Douglas Williams

va per le lunghe invece Team 3D vs. The Band
e sicuro anche Tara vs. Angelina Love a questo punto

C'è un bel pò di casino per i titoli Tag Team e X-Division, con Moore e Morgan alla ricerca di un compagno, con i possibili coinvolgimenti di Jesse Neal o Jeff Hardy, da vedere chi sceglierà Morgan...(e attenzione che per Sacrifice potrebbe tornare Hernandez, visto che il mese è passato)
Nella stessa X-Division, se Moore passerà momentaneamente alla categoria Tag Team, non si sa cosa vogliano fare con Joe, Williams dovrebbe tornare nel Lunedì successivo, ma non è chiaro se Joe sfiderà Kazarian, con Moore che ha un discorso aperto sia con Williams che con Kazarian, e adesso con Morgan.

Helms da quanto è fuori dalla WWE?
Post: 655
Registrato il: 05/11/2006
21/04/2010 17:39
Scheda Utente

The Reject, 21/04/2010 13.41:

Riuppo il topic.....

Sono variate le date di alcuni tapings, infatti i 3 giorni dopo Sacrifice vedranno 3 giorni di tapings.

5/17: iMPACT! Orlando 5/18: iMPACT! Orlando 5/19: iMPACT! Orlando

Questi sono invece i tapings di settimana prossima:

- La puntata si apre con Rob Van Dam che, introdotto da Hulk Hogan, si dichiara entusiasta di essere il campione del mondo TNA. RVD sostiene anche che è giunto nella TNA proprio perchè sapeva che la federazione gli avrebbe dato un'opportunità. Il promo è interrotto da AJ Styles e Ric Flair che insultano RVD. Styles dichiara poi che utilizzerà la sua rematch clause quando vorrà. Flair infine si concentra sulla sua sfida contro Abyss: chi vincerà entrerà in possesso dell'anello della Hall Of Fame di Hogan così come di quello di Flair stesso.

- Madison Rayne sconfigge Tara e Angelina Love e conserva il Knockout Title. A fine match rissa tra Tara e Angelina.

- Kaz sconfigge Shannon Moore e conserva il TNA X-Division Title. Durante il match, e con l'arbitro KO, Matt Morgan entra nel ring e stende Moore permettendo a Kaz di vincere. A Fine match è invece Samoa Joe che giunge nel ring per distruggere Kaz.

- The Pope D'Angelo Dinero giunge sul ring tutto fasciato e infortunato, comseguenza del suo match contro Styles a Lockdown, sostenendo che tra lui e Styles non è finita, tantomeno è finita la sua voglia di diventare campione del mondo. The Pope è però interrotto da Mr. Anderson che sfida Dinero ad un match. The Pope accetta. La sfida si terra a Sacrifice. Il segmento termina con i due che se le danno reciprocamente di santa ragione.

- No Contest: Matt Morgan & Jesse Neal Vs Team 3D. Il match è interrotto dall'ingresso della Band che attacca gli ex Dudleyz ed i due tag team iniziano una rissa. Nel mezzo del marasma Matt Morgan stende il tag team partner Jesse Neal con un chokeslam. Tornato nel backstage però Matt Morgan è immediatamente rispedito sul ring da Hulk Hogan. Morgan così torna ma inizia una rissa con lo stesso Neal, nel frattempo ripresosi. Alla fine Matt Morgan è messo in fuga da Shannon Moore che salva Jesse Neal.

- Abyss sconfigge Ric Flair ed entra in possesso dell'anello della Hall Of Fame di Ric Flair. A match terminato Hulk Hogan entra sul ring, prende l'anello appena vinto da Abyss e dichiara di sapere già a quale wrestler farne omaggio.

Molti nuovi feud per Sacrifice:

Rob Van Dam vs. Aj Styles

Matt Morgan and ?? vs. Shannon Moore and ??

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr.Anderson

e forse Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe o Douglas Williams

va per le lunghe invece Team 3D vs. The Band
e sicuro anche Tara vs. Angelina Love a questo punto

C'è un bel pò di casino per i titoli Tag Team e X-Division, con Moore e Morgan alla ricerca di un compagno, con i possibili coinvolgimenti di Jesse Neal o Jeff Hardy, da vedere chi sceglierà Morgan...(e attenzione che per Sacrifice potrebbe tornare Hernandez, visto che il mese è passato)
Nella stessa X-Division, se Moore passerà momentaneamente alla categoria Tag Team, non si sa cosa vogliano fare con Joe, Williams dovrebbe tornare nel Lunedì successivo, ma non è chiaro se Joe sfiderà Kazarian, con Moore che ha un discorso aperto sia con Williams che con Kazarian, e adesso con Morgan.

Secondo voi chi sarà questo fantomatico wrestler?

Post: 2.099
Registrato il: 16/12/2004
TW World Champion
21/04/2010 18:17
Scheda Utente

Cioè, fatemi capire: Samoa Joe torna nel giro dell'X Title???
Niente da dire sui match che potrebbero venire fuori con Kaz ma Joe dovrebbe stare nel main event. Se non avevano idee per lui al momento nel Main Event avrebbero fatto bene a lasciarlo fuori e a fargli fare un ritorno ad effetto più avanti.
21/04/2010 19:13
Scheda Utente

backbone crusher, 21/04/2010 18.17:

Cioè, fatemi capire: Samoa Joe torna nel giro dell'X Title???
Niente da dire sui match che potrebbero venire fuori con Kaz ma Joe dovrebbe stare nel main event. Se non avevano idee per lui al momento nel Main Event avrebbero fatto bene a lasciarlo fuori e a fargli fare un ritorno ad effetto più avanti.

Più che altro è tornato. Incazzato a caso contro gente a caso. Chi sia il suo manovratore, boh..
Post: 19.854
Registrato il: 11/09/2008
Mi fanno male le dita
21/04/2010 19:19
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Re: Re:
cyberdog78, 21/04/2010 17.39:

Secondo voi chi sarà questo fantomatico wrestler?

direi RVD
Post: 63
Registrato il: 02/05/2009
21/04/2010 21:36
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Re: Re: Re:
The Phenom 80, 21/04/2010 19.19:

direi RVD

temo Rob Terry
Post: 3.809
Registrato il: 31/03/2007
TW World Champion
19/05/2010 08:37
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Taped Tonight:

* Jeff Hardy is out. He's out for a simple reason, to find out what's up with Mr. A--hole himself, Mr. Anderson. Hardy says without further adieu, here he is. Anderson comes out and the crowd chants a--hole. He says maybe he does things like that to confuse you. Maybe to confuse different people. Maybe it's because he's an a--hole. Look at Hardy, he's got green hair, sweet tattoos, the whole thing and maybe he walks down the street and old people call him an a--hole. He tells Hardy to embrace his inner a--hole. He points to people in the crowd and says they're an a--hole, he's an a--hole, everyone should be an a--hole. AJ Styles, Ric Flair, Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe come out. AJ says he saw he has a match with him tonight and he doesn't belong in the same ring as him and that he asked for the match. Hardy says he doesn't ask for a match. AJ says he wasn't talking to him, he was talking to Anderson. AJ says do you know who I am? Anderson says he does know who AJ is but does he know who he is? He says let him introduce himself. The mic is lowered, he does the Mr. Anderson intro and his music hits. Anderson was cheered and acted like a total babyface.

* Ink Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. The Band of Hall, Nash & Eric Young, non title. Winner via Spear on Brother Ray from Jesse Neal, Ink Inc. The whole match Ray was being brutal to Neal while Devon tried to stop it. Afterwards Ray asks Devon if he's out of his mind. He then challenges Neal to a match at Slammiversary, teacher vs. the student. Devon gets in his face again and the segment ends.

* Jason Hervey is here sitting next to Dixie Carter.

* Orlando Jordan (wearing Abyss pasties) vs. Abyss. Chelsea is with Abyss but is obviously unhappy and troubled. Winner via DQ, Abyss. During the match Abyss got pushed into Chelsea. As Abyss was checking on her, Desmond Wolfe came out and attacked Abyss with a pipe. Jordan and Wolfe beat down Abyss until Rob Terry came in for the save. Abyss carried Chelsea to the back.

* RVD is out. He's out to talk to Sting and he knows he's here. So he has a shot at the TNA Championship. You can watch some amazing matches of RVD to get ready. You can train real hard. But that's not you Sting. You want to hide in the shadows and ambush me. He gets it. He wants RVD to know he's a force to reckon with. Maybe he has it out for him since he beat Sting in 5 seconds in his debut. He knows Sting's accomplishments. He's had some of his own. It's weird their paths never crossed but they have now. If he wants to come out now he can show him what he's got coming. Sting's music hits but he doesn't come out. Instead, footage of Sting beating RVD with the bat is shown. Sting is actually in the rafters and says he's going to take the title from him. The footage is only a small taste of what he's going to do to him at Slammiversary. Sting's music hits and he leaves.

* Kurt Angle is out and joins commentary. Desmond Wolfe vs. Jeff Hardy. Hardy hit a Twist of Fate but the referee had been knocked out from an errant Whisper in the Wind. Hardy went to check on the referee and Wolfe used a loaded sock. Winner via loaded sock, Desmond Wolfe.

* Matt Morgan is out. Two weeks ago we got jumped from the back by that savage Samoa Joe. Next we get robbed of the tag titles by Hall and Nash. Now he's told we need to find a new partner to get back the titles we never lost. We believe in helping elevate others though and can turn this negative into a positive. He puts out an open invite to anybody come out and tryout for greatness. No one comes out but Morgan sees Angle at commentary and asks if he wants the shot. Angle finally goes to the ring. Morgan asks him if he wants to become a star. Angle says didn't he pin Morgan the last time they were in the ring? Morgan says he'll slow it down and ask again. Does he want to be his partner or not? He then takes a cheap shot at Angle and says "not". Security holds Angle back. Angle tries to get at Morgan as Morgan laughs, then Samoa Joe's music hits and he comes out. Morgan takes off and Joe and Angle have a staredown. Both leave without anymore violence.

* AJ Styles vs. Mr Anderson. Winner via crossbody block reversal, AJ Styles. After the match, Anderson admits AJ got him, got him at his own freaking game. He thinks AJ pulled his tights. He asks the a--holes if AJ did. They chant that he did so Anderson attacks AJ. Beer Money runs out and helps AJ beat Anderson down. Hardy eventually runs out to make the save. Hardy and Anderson square off. Hardy puts his hand out to shake and Anderson accepts and shakes Hardy's hand.

* Xplosion match, Jeremy Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Alex Shelley. Winner via Kryptonite Krunch/Celtic Cross on Jeremy Buck, Alex Shelley.

Post: 1.933
Registrato il: 28/11/2007
IC Champion
19/05/2010 08:48
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The Reject, 19/05/2010 8.37:

Hardy and Anderson square off. Hardy puts his hand out to shake and Anderson accepts and shakes Hardy's hand.

oh, noooooooooooooooooooo

ti prego, ken, alla prima occasione massacra jeff... per quanto tu sia fenomenale, rendi 2.000 volte meglio da heel
[Modificato da the sed 19/05/2010 08:48]
Post: 4.137
Registrato il: 15/06/2007
TW World Champion
20/05/2010 10:40
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spero vivamente che non abbiano intenzione di eliminare il KOTM potrei davvero smettere di seguire fino alla dipartita di Hogan e soci...
Post: 3.812
Registrato il: 31/03/2007
TW World Champion
20/05/2010 13:40
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Il KOTM verrà fatto a Slammiversary VIII lo hanno già detto più volte.
Post: 20.816
Registrato il: 11/09/2008
Mi fanno male le dita
20/05/2010 13:45
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The Reject, 20/05/2010 13.40:

Il KOTM verrà fatto a Slammiversary VIII lo hanno già detto più volte.

però nai taping registrati fin ora, che arrivano a metà della puntata del 10 giugno non ce ne è traccia è c'è già un 1vs1 annunciato per il titolo TNA e un'altro dei papabili lotterà in un match di coppia
Post: 282
Registrato il: 25/10/2009
Mid Carder
20/05/2010 23:44
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io non capisco l'utilizzo di eric young
15/06/2010 02:42
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* Daffney vs. Taylor Wilde. Daffney wins after using a chain while the referee wasn’t looking. Sarita is out complaining to the referee. Andrew Thomas restarted the match. Winner via quick roll-up, Taylor Wilde. After the match, Daffney attacks Sarita. Taylor Wilde stopped her and rolled her out of the ring.

* Brutus Magnus vs. Suicide. Winner via spinning TKO type maneuver, Brutus Magnus. Brutus gets on the mic and says he’s had 3 months off to reassess and refocus and there’s only one thing on his mind – championship gold. He accepts Rob Terry’s open challenge. Terry comes out and says the good news is he never backs out from a challenge. The bad news is Homicide went to Eric Bischoff first and took the challenge. Magnus says what really is happening is Terry is afraid of him. Terry comes to the ring and gets in his face. Magnus slaps him and bails.

iMPACT, Airing Thursday:

* JB takes over for Val as the ring announcer and Mike Tenay joins Taz at his regular broadcast position.

* Eric Bischoff on video in his office. He says being a part of TNA is an honor and a privilege. Due to actions outside the ring by Scott Hall, The Band is stripped of the titles and a tournament starts tonight. The winners of the tournament face the Motor City Machine Guns at the PPV.

* Semi tournament match of the tag tournament: The Band of Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs Ink Inc. Winner via Samoan drop/neckbreaker off the top combo, Ink Inc

* Ric Flair is out with his “Five Horsemen”. He says he’s going to make an announcement that changes the face of the greatest sport in the world. Flair says he’s reforming the four horsemen but is calling it Fortune. He says the Horsemen were the best because they lived, loved and breathed wrestling. Flair gets in each guy’s face and says what the horseman would do in their place. Flair says it’s not the Four Horsemen but it’s the same hand sign. Flair then asks AJ if he’s kidding me about Lethal last night? Flair says AJ committed suicide last night losing to a piss ant like Lethal. Lethal comes out in a suit and does his Flair impersonation. He asks if someone mentioned the Four Horsemen, the greatest group ever? He says it looks like they were here and took a dump in the ring. He says that they are not the Horsemen and it’s disrespectful to him and the Horsemen. Flair says Lethal is nothing and not Ric Flair. Lethal throws his jacket down and elbow drops it. They start doing woos back and forth and cutting each other off with Flairisms. Wolfe finally tries to cut off Lethal. He calls Lethal a cheap imitation. Wolfe challenges Lethal to a match later to prove himself. Lethal says Wolfe can’t control his woman. Lethal agrees to the match later tonight.

* Hernandez vs Samoa Joe. During the match Morgan gave Hernandez a low blow while the referee was distracted. Winner via exploder suplex, Samoa Joe

* Backstage AJ is talking to Desmond about his match. He says sure Chelsea is gone, but he needs to get his woman in order and focus on the match.

* Douglas Williams is out. He says the X Division is over and dead because he’s rendered everybody else and their moves irrelevant. From now on the X Division will be synonymous with the ground and pound style he uses and he’ll have a demonstration tonight on his opponent.

* Douglas Williams vs. Max Buck. Winner via jumping tornado DDT off the turnbuckles, Douglas Williams. Afterwards Williams started choking out Buck with a cravat. Brian Kendrick ran out for the save and choked out Williams.

* Angelina Love is out for a match. She says since being out with an injury she realized an athlete’s career could end at any time so she’s not wasting anymore time so tonight it’s her and Lacey Von Erich, next it’s Velvet Sky and finally at the PPV she’s getting her Knockout Title back from Madison Rayne.

* Angelina Love vs. Lacey Von Erich. Winner via DQ, Lacey Von Erich. Angelina brought a chair to the ring and DDTed Lacey on it

* Christy Hemme backstage with Jeff Hardy. Abyss vs. Hardy vs. Anderson for the #1 contendership spot. Hemme asks if Hardy can trust Anderson? Anderson interrupts and says people are trying to stir up trouble. It’s like when you were kids playing a game against your friends and afterwards still being friends. It’s just like that and Anderson will still be buds with Hardy afterwards.

* Tag team tournament semi final, Team 3D vs. Beer Money Inc. Brother Devon and Brother Ray are arguing before the match starts. Ink Inc. join commentary during the match. Winner via beer spit in the face of Devon and a schoolboy from Roode, Beer Money Inc. Devon went for a 3D but Bubba had left to attack Neal at commentary. Afterwards Devon and Ray argue. Ray slapped Devon in the back of the head and Devon shoves him down in response. Devon leaves and says he’s done with Ray.

* Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea vs Jay Lethal. Tommy Dreamer is out in the crowd during the match. Just hanging out. Winner via a neckbreaker, Jay Lethal. Afterwards Wolfe attacks Lethal. Flair comes out and beats up on Lethal. Hogan’s music hits and he comes out for the save. Hogan says enough is enough. This is the reason TNA is on fire. Hogan says all the gimmicks, the Macho Man and the Flair stuff is hee hee ha ha, but the reason Lethal is in the ring is because he’s got the talent. He says Lethal has been running at main event level for months and is proving himself. Hogan then calls Flair out to hear this big announcement. It’s time for him to make a man’s dream come true. At Victory Road it will be Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal.

* Jeff Jarrett is out. He calls Sting out because he has some things to get off his chest. Sting is out without the makeup on. Double J asks him to take his glasses off so he can look him in the eye and he knows that he not only hears but he can feel and see what he’s saying. JJ says Steve was the first person he called for his leadership, his ability, his professionalism and his true icon status. Even though they weren’t always on the same side of the fence, whenever paths crossed they treated each other with dignity and respect. That all changed after Sacrifice. That wasn’t a wrestling match, that was an attempt to end his career. He made a mistake though and left him standing. Now he’s got a rematch and has to deal with him. Sting is smirking and laughing at him. Jarrett says when this goes down he’s fighting for Bischoff, he’s fighting for Hogan and most importantly he’s fighting for the TNA fans. Sting leaves having never said a word.
Post: 22.234
Registrato il: 11/04/2007
Mi fanno male le dita
15/06/2010 03:28
Scheda Utente

Allora... Elenchiamo un pò di cose:

- Band strippata dai titoli di coppia, torneo e chi vince contro i Guns (oddio, si son ricordati che hanno una title shot?) in PPV.. Ok.

- Ink Inc. che vince il primo turno........ Minchia che culo, vai a vedere che ste due pippe crestate vanno a vincere il titolo...

- Five Horsemen, il worker migliore che hanno umiliato nuovamente, Flair contro Lethal in PPV, Hogan che fa ancora il giustiziere.. Tutto nella norma.

- Joe lotta, oh mio Dio si sono ricordati di lui. Interessante il continuo tra Herny e Morgan

- Douglas.. Oh Douglas, una delle cose migliori di sta TNA. Però diceva che avrebbe lottato "ground and pound" e mi va a chiudere con una tipica mossa flyer.. Ottimo ottimo

- Knockout skip

- Beer Money qualificati ottimo.. Team 3D che va a puttane male, perchè Ray e Devon da soli fanno altamente cagare..

- Jarrett - Sting >>

- RVD e il triple threat per il #1 contender? Spoiler incompleti per ora mi sa.
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